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The Volvo revisited...

Well, my attempts to fix the Volvo yesterday didn't fair so well, so I gave up for the day. The car has had a problem with the fuel pump relay, no door handle, and a broken mirror. The latest was that the starter wasn't working. So I tried to fix it. While I was working on the car, it was quite hot, and so I rolled the windows down to get some air in. Unfortunately it didn't help much because there was no wind blowing. So that prompted me to go inside and do something else. Well, I didn't roll the windows back up, and it is Monsoon season here in Korea. (you can see where this is going...) I woke up a few times last night to the sound of thunder, flashes of lightning and a lot of rain, but I didn't think about the windows. When I woke up and decided to try to fix the car again, I couldn't remember if I had rolled the windows up. In fact, I knew I hadn't. I went down to the car this afternoon and looked in it. Oh man, there was water everywhere! On the dashboard, the side of the doors, on the insides of the windows. I sat down to try and do some more troubleshooting, but before I could start, the seat of my pants became very cold and wet. Crap. The seats are soaked. At that point, I called the Sam's Car garage and arranged for a tow truck to pick up the car.

After the car was at the repair shop, they started looking at the car and found out the wiring to the battery was not as good as it could be. So they fixed that. Then the car was engaging the starter, but the engine wouldn't run. I told the repair guy about the fuel pump relay. He took it out, looked at it, and then fixed it by resoldering it! So that problem was solved. I had purchased a new door handle to fix the door, but had no hardware (nuts & bolts) to fix it. They saw it in the car, and installed it also. Woohoo! All we need now is a new mirror! Those guys were great, and it only cost 80,000 won! Awesome. We finally have two cars again. Sweet.

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