As we travel this stage of the adventure of life, making our home across the world, we're sharing our stories with everyone we love but can't visit
Lizzie's Age!
Lizzie is Here!
Well everyone, it is a pleasure to introduce to you all Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ruth Jones. Baby Lizzie came into the world @ 1105 PM on June 18th, 2008. She weighed 7lbs 11oz, and Cara was able to deliver her without getting a Cesarean! She is a very pretty baby, with a lot of hair, and likes to look around. We have some pictures here for you all to look at. Please enjoy!
William, Cara...Jesus really showed off on you guys! Lizzie is soooo not look like Will! Congratulations and God's blessings to you both. What kind of baby gift do you guys need: :->
Almost makes *us* wanna have another! Almost...(God's will!)
Cara, well done! Congrats you two, she is adorable! Can't wait to see more pics!
Congratulations, you guys! Lizzie is sooo beautiful. Can't wait to see all of you.
By the way, Lizzie and I share the same birthday :)
William, Cara...Jesus really showed off on you guys! Lizzie is soooo not look like Will! Congratulations and God's blessings to you both. What kind of baby gift do you guys need: :->
Almost makes *us* wanna have another! Almost...(God's will!)
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