Lizzie's Age!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker



Will and I went to see Transformers after work today. The theater was almost full, because it was the first showing here. A few of my friends had seen it already in the Korean theaters, and had said it was pretty decent, and pretty AF-sponsored. Will and I both enjoyed it: I thought it was good, he thought it was great.

The acting was well done, I had a few critiques about the camera work, but the CG was pretty much amazing, and it is definitely an 'AF' movie. Most classic line, said by an Army guy: 'We can't make a stand without the Air Force!" Right. Exactly what he would say, I'm sure. Plus, all the 'good guy' transformers were GM cars, and the leader of the 'good guys' was a red, white, and blue semi truck tractor. The 'bad guys' pretended to be US military vehicles, infiltrating our forces like terrorists.

The AF gave a lot of money to the movie, and let them use 2 of our 3 operational Ospreys, as well as a few F-22s complete with pilots, and land in the desert of Nevada for both a mock Qatar air base and bombing scenes. A-10s and a gunship saved the day in the beginning. It is probable the best AF movie I've seen. Much better than Iron Eagle, of course! It wasn't completely, obviously, ridiculously AF at all. Us AF people probably noticed more than any one else, and it may help recruitment some. There was one really random Bush-bashing moment which wasn't quite necessary.

I'm sure Will is gonna have more to say :-) He was way more into it, because he actually watched the original Transformers. Kurt and I had the semi-truck that turned into a robot...but I didn't know the Transformers were anything but a cool toy that turned into another cool toy! Turns out Will really wanted the truck when he was little but never got it...poor guy, it was at my house all along!


Villyval said...

Wow. Carlos and I really want to go and see that movie, but he has been gone to camp for the past two weeks, so hopefully soon. What an interesting take you have on the movie since you are in the air force...I would just watch and not pick up on any of those things....:-) Sounds like things are going well. I will keep reading!!

Geeky said...

haha yea that movie was soo pro AF. But hey we finally have a movie that doesn't suck. so I'll take it.