We have picked up a few bookshelves from a great little furniture store we found just a few blocks from our place. We scoped it out along with a few other places, then came back and purchased a great (and huge!) dresser for Will's stuff. It was super cheap, they delivered it, and it's really well built, especially compared to what's available in the BX for twice as much. So, we went back and bought two bookcases. Then we went back and bought a smaller 4-shelf deal to put our random pocket stuff, mail, and (my) purses on when we come through the door. By that point, she was excited to see us walk in! We went back today and bought two more bookshelves, so we could unpack Will's trunk which was full of heavy books. Will found a super nice chair as well, it's quite amazing actually.

We hadn't been there in awhile, but we walked to the door and she got up and smiled and probably figured we would buy something since we always had before! They even broke out the catalogs, so when we get to the point that we need things they don't have in stock, we'll see if we can figure out how to order things from them. Their prices are hard to beat, and we really like them.
We have a few more purchases planned, including a wall closet for the rest of Will's clothes. I already filled the wall closet that was here when I moved in. I also had a desk, an orange couch, two orange chairs, a tv-stand dealy with drawers, two beds, and a kitchen table but nothing else. Will's stuff and what we've bought definitely make it feel much more like home! In the living room, we also have brand new curtains and a rug we bought in Dubai! Yes, a real one, hand-made in Iran. And don't say anything about our money paying for nukes!
(This is before Will's stuff arrived...the living room's a bit different now)
But, as I was saying in the beginning, we have no storage space. Our extra bed is currently covered with all kinds of random stuff we have no real place for yet. Slowly we are getting rid of the garbage, but we're going to have to make sure we don't collect too much unnecessary junk while we're here - and that could be a challenge!
Hi Cara/Will --
Just found your blog through Facebook -- sounds like Korea's quite the adventure. Glad to hear y'all are doing well!
Yeah for blog writing. If you are like me, you'll enter multiple blog entries in a week and then none for a month, then back again with the weekly updates. Keep blogging...love the carpet, so beautiful!
Oh my goodness the room is soooo cute!! I love it! Great job girl!
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