Lizzie with her Gma, showing off her Tigerness
Kim learning what it's like to be mommy to a cute little girl in an Asian country (i.e. mobbed by everyone with cell phone cameras), at the Squadron's Halloween Sports Day. Lizzie became our team's mascot, we won the tournament, and she got to take home the MVP prize!
Lizzie Tiger got a little tired from all the sporting excitement
TSgt B was glad to hold her, while mommy took part in the Tug of War, which clinched our victory!
At home, she played for awhile before changing into non-Tiger clothes
We went to our church's 'Hoedown', which is their Halloween-alternative. Lizzie had a good time (for the most part!)
Will decided to rock his giant belt buckle, and it was a hit!
Hey Jones family!! Found your blog...enjoyed your picutres and stories! And yes, you do have the cutest tiger!!
Wait, Will's wearing a costume? Looks like normal clothes to me...augh, I've been in the Southwest too long!
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