Lizzie's Age!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker



Hello! We've been remiss lately, so here are some quick updates:

I've been back at work for 2wks now, and it hasn't been too bad. I've been able to pump each day, in a new office that isn't occupied yet (no furniture). Once people move in, I'll have to find someplace else, but for now it's great! My job seems like it will be a lot less stressful than the other two I've held at Osan, and the guys I work with are wonderful.

We were in Beijing for 4 days of Olympic fun, check out photos and captions here

My mom is here until mid-October, taking care of Lizzie, and my dad came out for the weekend from Vladivostok. Lots of fun, and they love their grandbaby!

Lizzie is growing quickly, and is starting to really enjoy her toys, especially her playmat (from Uncle Kurt!) and her new Jumparoo. She has so many outfits, and is super cute every day! She's sleeping 6hrs then 4hrs at night, so not too bad, and she takes the bottle well from Grandma during the day (though she gets really excited to eat when Mommy gets home!).

Will is still working, and playing the bass at church. He also was pretty involved in VBS at church, so we got to see him up in front in skits for a few weeks.

We are both still going to our Tuesday night Bible studies. The women's study is about the Psalms of Ascent, and it is great fun.

That's about it! Lizzie keeps us busy, and entertained, and we are still enjoying life :-)

1 comment:

Geeky said...

Congrats on everything guys