We had our ultrasound last Wednesday, and it was very cool. Will got to see the whole thing, and I guess our baby was moving around a lot in the beginning, Will really enjoyed watching. I was laying next to the screen, so I couldn't see it until the tech finished all of the measurements and turned it, so I didn't see much until the end. From what he told us (we haven't heard what the doctor thinks yet), our baby is healthy, though a bit on the small side of average. So, either we have a small baby, or our due date is actually about a week later than we thought originally. I guess we'll wait and see! We found out the sex of our baby, here it is:
And now, some shoutouts from Baby Lizzie (Elizabeth Ruth):
Cara, the doctor said that Baby Victor was small too, but he was a healthy 7lb 7ozs when born. I was told to increase my intake of protein (which made me sick) etc. but instead I ate when I was hungry and stuck to more balancing the food groups. So happy for the both of you! Congrats.
Yey, a girl! That is wonderful, you guys!! Elizabeth is such a pretty name. Can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family :0)
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