Since I'm feeling guilty about leaving the blog un-updated for over a month, here's some current info. Will also has a draft in the works about a few other events, so hopefully he publishes it soon!
My ultrasound is on the 23rd, so we'll find out soon what we're expecting to have. My mom already bought a little dress just in case it's a girl :-)

Our NYE party was pretty amazing, we stayed at a (relatively) cheap hotel and drove up to the Grand Hyatt for the party. Some friends of ours had gotten the penthouse, and it was quite impressive. We were up in the room for a bit, then went down to the hotel party, where two tables were reserved for our group. We hung out with some of the other married folks and talked and laughed at all the single guys trying to woo the single ladies - and the married/attached guys realized how pathetic they had also been at one point!! We went back up to the room for the midnight fireworks, which were awesome - a great show, and they exploded pretty much level with our window! Everyone was dressed up in gowns and suits/tuxes, so it was pretty classy.

I'm in a wedding this weekend, a girl from church is getting married and she chose me as her maid (matron?) of honor, which is pretty cool. I threw a bridal shower for her which was a lot of fun, last weekend. I had to get a dress made that fits my belly, and I think it'll turn out nicely... it's so great to be able to go get something like that made in a few weeks, that fits perfectly!
I have one more class to finish before I'm done for awhile. I have to write a paper this weekend, then I'll have two weeks to finish the smaller assignments that built up while I was finishing my previous class. I got an A in that class by the way, the teacher thought my paper was good; hopefully this one turns out just as well!
That's it for now, I hope you all are having a great new year!