Lizzie's Age!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker



So, after Cara and I finally get more or less situated in our apartment, get stuff put away, buy a nice wall closet, what happens? That's right, our lease ends, and we find another very nice apartment for very close to what we are paying now. It has a dishwasher (finally!), full size washer (yes!), dual voltage (woohoo!) and, and wood area on the wall in the den that is put there to mount TV's etc. Its very sweet. Anyway, we'll send pictures of the new place when we move in. But its funny, since leaving for the academy in 1999, the longest I have stayed in a residence was for 18 months in '04 when I was living in Torrance, CA (ahh, those were the best 18 months of my brief AF stint...) and the shortest during Summer Period of the Academy (~3wks). It does get old at times, and I'm sure this move I'll wonder why I didn't just stay at 대옥 7차 아파트?

Now the view in our current apartment is wonderful. On the 16th floor you can see all of Songtan. Its quite cool. However, when you are in a rush because you left something home, it really sucks to have to wait for the elevator to come to the first floor from the 12th or so floor, then travel from the 1st floor to the 16th floor. Once you get what you left and return to the elevator, its already at the 15th floor headed back down to the 1st floor. Yeah, that's when we take the stairs.

Anyway, that's all for now. Yay!


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about your life! Your new apartment sounds nice.
Does Cara have morning sickness?

Geeky said...

always on the move are we...well can't wait for pics on the new apartment.