Lizzie's Age!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


My Week in Pictures

We drove to Seoul on Tuesday during the Korean holiday of Chusok, which is comparable to our Thanksgiving. The Koreans all travel to their 'grandfather's farms' if they still have them, and visit the graves of relatives. Many Koreans follow some shamanist traditions, believing that the dead interfere in the lives of relatives if their souls are not satisfied, so when they visit the graves they bring alcohol and food to leave, and bow in worship of their ancestors. We hiked up a mountain in downtown Seoul and saw much of this. The pictures of the traditions are on my film camera, but here are some of the scenery shots.



Here are a few of the flowers on the walk from base to our apartment.

And this is the continuation of the Mattress Video you have all been clamoring for (especially you, Grandma!)


Anonymous said...

Oh my word!!!! Congratulations, guys!! What a wonderful photo to see :) We hope you have a great pregnancy, Cara.

Much love and many kisses from PA,
Cat, Mel and lil' Avery

Mom said...

Well, Congratulations, If I did not periodically check your site, I would never have known. No thanks to my sisters.
