Lizzie's Age!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Format troubles :-/

So, the previous two posts are backwards... Halloween was first; Gongju was mid-Nov. I just happened to start the Gongju one first, so even though I published 'Halloween' first, when I posted 'Gongju', it showed up as if it were earlier! Grr... So, sorry for any confusion!


Cami said...

Cara!!! Hey girl! Kimma sent me your blog address :) Lizzie is Gorgeous!!! Congrats....5 months late :) And for what it's worth, I don't think she looks like the American President!! That is a pretty funny story, though ;) Good to see ya'll are doing great! Maybe we can stay in better touch this blog is
Talk to ya later!!

Alex said...

You know you can edit posts to change the dates they were published. For example, even if you wrote a post today (18/04/09) you could make it appear as though it were written 18/04/07 (e.g.). Look in the bottom-right corner of the "edit post" window, just above the "publish/preview" buttons.